
京都 伏見の酒蔵 ~もはや戦後ではない~ [京都]


京都 伏見の酒蔵


Sake brewery at Fushimi, Kyoto

Since long ago Fushimi has been called “fusemizu” where good quality water welled up and became a popular place for sake brewing which still remains today. But the economic growth begun with the declaration that was said as “no longer termed postwar” in 1956, and in order to satisfy the need of consumption, there appeared the breweries build their factories far from Fushimi. And then we couldn’t hear the voice of brewers which was winter features in there. Furthermore Japanese government had changed of policy to give priority to economy and scientific technology. Thus under the strategic campaign, they accelerate in a frenzy economic growth, mobilized of young people thoroughly from rural village to industry field as mass-employment. Those governments’s posture on economy brought up the people to economic animals that was made fun of by French President “Is the Japanese prime minister a transistor radio salesman?” That was the beginning of a policy which relentlessly abandoned the weak on the other hand discharging pollution for the economic growth and setting about the construction of nuclear power plant without moral as the only country that was victim of nuclear bombing. This economic growth has fomented later a tendency of discrimination that distinguishes between winner and loser, fixes the weak upon arbitrarily self-responsibility, thereby even mass media is legitimately reporting so, then times were changed.
